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ParentingParenting Tips15 Curious Questions Kids Ask (with Answers)

15 Curious Questions Kids Ask (with Answers)

It’s a normal day. You’re going about your daily tasks while your child is playing with blocks. Then… BOOM! Out of nowhere comes a curious question striking you like a ton of bricks. You’re not even sure how to answer, let alone where they even learned about the topic!

As a parent, you want to answer your child’s questions confidently and without hesitation. But sometimes, their questions can leave you feeling stumped!
“How did the baby get into mommy’s stomach?”
“Where do rainbows come from?”
“How do people turn into animals?”
Questions like these can make even the most experienced parent scramble for an answer.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. This list of 20 curious questions kids ask, along with our curated answers, will help you be prepared for whatever your little one throws your way.


1. Why humans don’t have tails?

What to tell your child

Tails help animals balance when they are running and climbing. Humans don’t have tails because we don’t need them. We can balance just fine without tails. Every living thing evolves to adapt to its environment. For example, animals that live in cold climates
have fur to keep them warm. Humans don’t need fur because we can wear clothes to keep us warm. So, when humans didn’t need tails to help them balance, they eventually stopped having tails.

What you should know

Tails are actually quite different from each other. Some tails are long, some are short, and some are even prehensile (which means they can grip or hold things). But the one thing all tails have in common is that they help the animal balance. For humans, tails are vestigial organs, which means they are organs that have lost their original function over time. Humans used to have tails, but we don’t need them anymore so we have evolved
not to have them.

2. Why are some people left-handed?

What to tell your child

Some people are left-handed because that’s the way they are born. It’s not something they can control. Just like some people are born with brown hair and some people are born with blond hair. It’s just the way they are. Being left-handed is actually pretty common. About 10% of people are left-handed. So, if you know 10 people, chances are 1 of them is

What you should know

The reason some people are left-handed is not fully understood. However, it is thought to be because of a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Many studies have shown that the kid chooses a dominant hand way before its born. By the 13th week of
pregnancy, the baby’s brain develops handedness.


3. Why do people have to die?

What to tell your child

This is a tough question to answer, but it’s an important one. People have to die because it’s just a natural part of life. Just like how people are born, people will also die. It’s just the cycle of life. It’s something that we all have to go through but it’s okay to be sad about it. When somebody we love dies, we will miss them but we can always remember the happy times that we had with them.

What you should know

Your child might wonder about death because they just lost a grandparent or pet. It’s important, to be honest with them but also to reassure them it’s natural. They might find it difficult to grasp the finality of death so explain it in simple terms. You can also tell them
it’s okay to be sad and to cry.

Recommended reading: How To Explain Death To A Child

Recommended reading: What to Do When Your Child Loses a Pet


4. What is God?

What to tell your child

The answer you give your child would depend on your belief. But here’s a quick template that you can modify to tell your child, “Hold up your hand. Can you feel the wind? Yes. Now, can you see the wind? No, right? Similarly, you can’t see god. But he is believed to
be the creator and protector of this entire universe. According to our belief, we call him ________ and we pray to him to bless us with good health, happiness, and success.”

What you should know

When kids ask this question, they are usually trying to understand the concept of god. As a parent, you need to be patient and explain this concept to your child in simple words. You can also tell them stories from religious texts to help them understand this concept better. But the key is to keep it simple and honest.

5. Why do people have different religions?

What to tell your child

People have different religions because they believe in other things. Some people believe in one god, some people believe in many gods and some people don’t believe in any god.
People have different religions because of their culture, family or personal beliefs. It’s okay to have different religions. We can still be friends even if we believe in different things.

What you should know

There are many religions in the world, and people follow them for different reasons. Some people follow a religion because they were born into it, while others choose to follow a particular religion because they believe in its teachings. Whatever the reason, it is
important to respect people’s religious beliefs and to teach our kids to do the same.


6. Why my friend has so many more toys than I do?

What to tell your child

It’s okay to be curious about what other people have. We all have different things in our lives. Some people have more of something than others. It doesn’t mean that one person is better than another, it just means that we are all different.

Some people have more toys than others because their parents can afford them or because they were given more toys as gifts. But more toys don’t always mean they have more fun with them.

What you should know

This question might arise because your child is comparing themselves to another child. It’s important to remind them that everyone is different and that we all have different things in our lives. Help them focus on what they have and to be grateful for what they have.

Recommended reading: 12 Best Books To Teach Your Child About Gratitude

Recommended reading: Why Don’t My Kids Appreciate What They Have?

7. Why do some people not have homes?

What to tell your child

There are many reasons some people may not have homes. For example, they may have lost their homes in a natural disaster or be poor and cannot afford to buy or rent a home. Whatever the reason, it is important to remember that everyone deserves our respect and if possible our help.

What you should know

When kids see people living on the streets, they may naturally wonder why they don’t have homes. They believe everyone lives as they do. So, take this opportunity to tell them that the world has less and more fortunate people and that’s okay. It is also an excellent
opportunity to talk about helping others who may not be as fortunate as we are.

Recommended reading: How to Talk to Your Child about Poverty: Tips and Strategies

Recommended reading: How to Explain Privilege to Kids: An Age-by-age Guide


8. Why Are Some Words ‘Bad’?

What to tell your child

Some words are considered bad because they might hurt someone’s feelings. For example, if you call someone a name, they might feel sad or embarrassed. So, it’s important to be careful about the words we use and how we use them. Sometimes because of the way they use it, even normal words are considered bad. For example, dick is a normal word, but we can consider it a bad word if we use it meanly.
It is best to avoid using bad words so you don’t end up hurting others. If you hear someone else using them, you can tell them that those words are not nice and they might hurt someone’s feelings.

What you should know

Kids are tempted to do things you tell them not to. So, the more you tell them not to use bad words, the more they will be tempted to use them. It’s essential to explain why certain words are bad. Just telling them not to use the words is not enough. They need to understand why they are bad so they can decide not to use them.

Recommended reading: What To Do When Your Child Is Disrespectful?

Recommended reading: Teaching Children Social Manners


9. Why do girls wear makeup and boys don’t?

What to tell your child

Some girls wear makeup, and some boys do too. It’s a personal choice. Some people like to wear makeup to make them feel more confident or to express their creative side. There are no rules about who can wear makeup and who can’t.

But you might see more girls wearing makeup than boys because, for years, girls were expected to look nice and pretty. That’s changing now. Lately, more and more boys are wearing makeup. So, you might see more boys wearing makeup in the future.

What you should know

Gender norms like these can restrict our kids from fully expressing themselves. It’s important to encourage our kids to wear whatever they feel comfortable in, regardless of their gender.

With the rise of social media, people are breaking these gender norms and are inspiring others to do the same. This is especially true in the LGBTQIA+ community, where boys and men are breaking down traditional gender norms.

Recommended reading: Be a Part of the Beauty Conversation with Your Daughter

Recommended reading: When People Make Comments About Your Child’s Appearance

10. What is “gay”?

What to tell your child

“Gay” means when two people of the same gender love each other. So, for example, two men who love each other are gay. That’s it. Straightforward with no frills or awkwardness.

What you should know

This is a perfect opportunity to teach your child about diversity and inclusion. You can tell them that everyone is different, and that’s what makes us special. You can also tell them it’s okay to love someone, no matter what their gender is.

Recommended reading: How To Talk To Your Kids About Pride

Recommended reading: Books That Teach Kids About Pride and Acceptance 


11. Why do you have to go to work, Mummy?

What to tell your child

People have to go to work to earn money. They use that money to pay for things like our house, food, and clothes. Mummy has to go to work to earn money so we can pay for our house and all the other things we need. Also, mummy likes her job, and she enjoys
going to work.

What you should know

Your kids want you with them all the time, so they might see work as a barrier to that. It’s important to explain that you need to work to provide for the family and that you enjoy your job.

If you can, try to involve your kids in what you do. For example, you can take them to work with you for a day or let them help you with your work. This will help them understand why you have to go to work and make them feel more involved in your life.

Recommended reading: 5 Tips To Deal With Parental Guilt

Recommended reading: Parenting Tips For Working Mothers

12. Why does my friend have only a mother/ father (single parent)?

What to tell your child

A tricky question to answer indeed!

You could tell your child that sometimes parents cannot stay together. It is best for them if they live apart. Just like how they might not get along well with some kids in their class, sometimes parents are not able to get along well with each other too. It is also
possible that one parent has passed away.

But that’s okay because even though they might not have both a mum and a dad, they still have people who love them very much. And that’s what’s most important.

What you should know

Your child might have a lot of questions about single parenting. It’s important, to be honest with them and answer their questions as compassionately as you can. You should also reassure them they are loved and that even though their family might differ from other families, that doesn’t make them any less special.

Recommended reading: Books About All Kinds of Families – Divorced Parents, Same Sex Parent

Recommended reading: How to Talk to Your Child about Divorce: An Age-by-age Guide


13. How does a baby get inside a tummy?

What to tell your child

When two people love each other very much and they want to have a baby, the woman’s body will grow a baby inside her in a place called the uterus. The baby will stay in the uterus until it is ready to be born.

This is usually a good enough answer for younger kids. If they’re older and want to know more, let them ask questions and answer them as honestly as you can.

What you should know

You might feel embarrassed talking about this, but for your kids, it’s just a natural curiosity. It’s important, to be honest with them and answer their questions as best as you can. Take this as a chance to normalize the human body and sex.

Recommended reading: How To Prepare Your First Child For a New Baby

14. What is a condom?

What to tell your child

A condom is something a couple uses when they are not ready to have a baby.

You can stop at this if there are no further questions from the kid. If they ask a follow-up question answer them as honestly as you can.

What you should know

The next generation will get more exposure than us at an early age. So, there is a high risk of kids growing up with misconceptions and misinformation on these topics.

Besides, you need to make sure that your kid trusts you with sensitive topics like sex so that they come to you for advice and support. And for that, you need to be the one starting this conversation and making it normal.

Recommended reading: How To Talk To Your Kids About Sex: An Age-by-age Guide

Recommended reading: Teach Kids to be Safe Over Sorry: A Guide for Parents of Under 10-year-olds

15. What is a sanitary pad?

What to tell your child

A sanitary pad is something that women use when they have their period which comes once every month. It’s just a natural process that happens to every woman’s body. During this time, the woman’s body will shed the lining of the uterus and this will come out as

Sanitary pads are just there to absorb all the blood so that the woman can go about her day without feeling icky or uncomfortable.

What you should know

Don’t shy away! This is a great opportunity to lay the groundwork for all the gender, sex and sexuality talks. It’s important, to be honest with your kids and answer their questions as best as you can. You should also take this chance to normalize the human body and

Recommended reading: How To Start Talking To Your Daughter About Periods

Recommended reading: What To Tell Your Son About Periods?

For answers to more such curious questions, check out our eBook with answers to 50 such questions – 50 Questions Curious Kids Ask (With Answers). Get your copy now.

General tips for answering your child’s questions

1. Be patient

It’s important to be patient when answering your child’s questions. They might not understand everything that you say, but they will appreciate your patience.

2. Keep it simple

Use simple age appropriate language when answering your child’s curious questions to help them understand the concept, ideas, and perspective better.

3. Be honest

It’s important to be honest when answering your child’s questions. Don’t tell white lies to children. They will trust you more if they know you are being truthful with them.

4. Encourage further questions

If your child is curious about something, encourage them to ask more questions. This will help them learn more about the world around them.

5. Seek help if you need it

If you’re not sure how to answer a question, don’t hesitate to seek help from a friend or family member. You can also look up the answer online or in a book.

Recommended reading: Brilliant Books and Encyclopedias For Curious Kids

Conclusion: Curious Questions Kids Ask

Creating an exhaustive list of curious questions and answers for these nosey learners is an impossible task. Those curious minds will always come up with new questions! The best we can do is to encourage their curiosity and provide them with the resources
they need to find the answers themselves.

With that in mind, we hope this list has given you a good starting point for answering your curious kids’ questions. Remember, there is no shame in not knowing the answer to
everything. When you don’t know the answer, use it as an opportunity to teach your child how to find the answer for themselves. Help them use their imagination and to think outside the box. Or you could simply say that you are not sure about the answer and will get back to them in some time.

What’s important is that we encourage our kids to never stop asking questions. Who knows, they might just come up with the next big discovery!

To help you on this journey of answering curious questions, here is our eBook with answers to 50 such questions – 50 Questions Curious Kids Ask (With Answers). Get your copy now.


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