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ParentingParenting TipsWhy You Should Take Your Child To Farm Visits?

Why You Should Take Your Child To Farm Visits?

In today’s technology-driven era, it has become very difficult for us to detach ourselves from technology even for a second. We wake up with technology and end the day with it. It has become equally hard for even kids of today’s generation to imagine their life without gadgets. They are so indulged in gadgets that they forget to breathe in the fresh air, feel nature and connect with their roots. On top of all this, the pandemic has further pushed kids into this technological abyss. A visit to the farm can help kids connect with nature and the outside world. 

Here’s why you should take your child to farm visits.

1. Inculcate love for healthy living

A visit to farms provides kids with a break from their regular leisure activities of surfing the internet or playing video games on play station where their eyes are glued to screens the whole day. A farm visit provides them access to nature where they can climb trees, walk in long grass, feel the fresh air and connect with their roots. This provides children with a healthy lifestyle, activeness, motivation, physical strength and most importantly discipline.

2. Inculcate love for animals

There are different species of animals on farms for various useful purposes, and acquainting kids with animals provides them with a lot of fun and happiness. Besides fun and happiness, it also provides them with knowledge about animals which helps them in their academics. Animals are taken care of at farms and providing kids access to this process would teach them the value of compassion and kindness.

3. Inculcate value for time

In farms, every year at a particular time seeds are sowed, taken care of and then harvested according to different climates and seasons. In this process, farmers have to get the work done at the specified time without any delay. This would teach kids the importance of time, how to manage time and how to get the work done on time efficiently. It would teach them discipline, make them productive, and procrastinate less. They can even start taking an interest in farming.

4. Inculcate the value for food

Teach your child about sustainable eating practices. Growing fruits and vegetables is not a one-day task. It takes months of hard work, patience, sweat, and whatnot. It is important to acquaint kids with this process to understand how food is grown, where it comes from, and what goes into growing it. When why you take your child to farm visits, they would understand the value of food and learn not to waste it. They would learn the concept of sustainability and gain knowledge about the whole process of growing food.

5. Inculcate love for physical work

A farm is a place to set the right example for hard work where farmers wake up before sunrise and toil on the farm till the evening. Farming involves physical labour for sowing, plowing, digging, oiling, harvesting, etc. When kids acquaint with this process, they understand the value of a farmer’s hard work. This can motivate kids to engage more in physical activities like playing outdoors. They will also start understanding the value of hard work to achieve goals.

Kids are already occupied the whole day with online classes, internet surfing, and online homework. It is good to teach them to be technology friendly, but it is equally important to teach kids a healthy lifestyle. A visit to the farm would provide that. Let’s help kids connect with nature, teach them to value nature, people and animals, and make their childhood memorable.


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