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ParentingGreat Ways To Honor Your Grandparents

Great Ways To Honor Your Grandparents

Grandparents have so much to offer their families, with knowledge and past experiences that money can’t buy. In fact, studies show that children benefit more when their parents have strong relationships with co-parenting grandparents. Unfortunately, many grandparents feel undervalued and unappreciated. Understandably, families are not perfect, and rocky relationships are common. But regardless of family issues, it’s worth taking some time to appreciate your grandparents, especially if they’ve contributed in any way to your success. Here are some great ways to honor your grandparents

1. Keep them informed about your life

Experts say grandparents can provide a critical need – attention. Believe it or not, they are mostly interested in what’s going on with their grandchildren and children and are more than willing to listen. Where else will you get a patient audience ready to hear about new events in your life and celebrate your progress with you? Of course, not all grandparents are like this, but the majority are. And if you’re lucky enough to have one, please don’t leave them in the dark, especially if you know how much they care about you. 

Something as simple as regular phone calls is enough to keep them updated. Knowing that their grandkids care enough to update them about their lives is more than enough to make them feel good. 

2. Thank them

Admit it or not, your grandparents have given you a family heritage. If you’re fortunate enough, they might have also given you some material resources or guidance through life. It’s important to appreciate all these gifts, little as they are, while your grandparents are still alive. Remember to thank them. It doesn’t have to be every day, but once in a while, pick up the phone and remind them of one good thing they did for you. Let them know how it impacted your life, and thank them for it. It sure will mean a lot more to them than all the flowers you can buy when they pass away.

And speaking of passing, you can continue to honor them by creating a memorial for them befitting the life they lived. For example, if your grandparents used to serve in the military, you can honor their memory with veteran grave markers

3. Dedicate a tiny space on your wall to them

Hang a picture of your grandparents on your wall as a simple way of honoring them and appreciating your family lineage. It doesn’t have to be something big or take up too much space on your wall. Even a tiny picture frame will be more than enough to put a smile on your grandparents’ faces and make them feel honored. So, find the pictures pictures you have of them, or better still, take them out for a photoshoot. Frame the images, keep one in your home, and let them have one. 

4. Remember important dates

Thankfully, most smartphones have digital calendars with reminder features. Whether it’s Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Boxing Day, New Year, or any public holiday, please don’t leave your grandparents out when calling your loved ones to send your wishes. The date might not mean enough for them, but your call or visit will, as it tells them that you have them in your thoughts. Most importantly, please don’t forget their birthdays, even if they do.


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