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Self CareWell-being3 Reasons Why Routines are Essential for Working Mothers

3 Reasons Why Routines are Essential for Working Mothers

I’m one of those people who constantly have something to do. I can’t sit still for more than about 8 seconds, so it’s safe to say my life is usually pretty hectic.

I’m also a working mother. And as much as I wish that means that my days are filled with meetings at the office and conference calls over coffee, it actually means that I spend a lot of time driving in the car, cooking dinner, and trying to find a few spare moments to write.

When my daughter was born my life got even busier. And after she started toddling around the house and chatting up a storm at 18 months, things got exponentially more hectic.

I started wishing I had ten hands and 48 hours per day!

But things started getting manageable because of one thing: Routine.

I’m sure you have seen enough of morning routines, night routines, etc. But as overrated as they might seem, routines are actually super helpful in keeping your life in order. Here are 3 reasons why routines are essential for working mothers.

1. Increases productivity

Routines make it easier to manage your time. When you know exactly what needs to be done on any given day, it’s much easier to prioritize and knock tasks off the list one by one. 

Think of it as cleaning out your closet. If you’re not sure what order to tackle everything in, it can seem overwhelming; but once you figure out the process of folding, putting away, and ironing clothes, getting everything done becomes a lot more manageable.

Morning and night routines can be particularly useful. Batching certain work like cleaning as a part of the night routine will stop you from getting distracted throughout the day about that task.

A routine becomes even more useful when you have a lot on your plate. If you are working full-time, taking care of kids, doing housework, cooking dinners, and maintaining friendships, it becomes very important to work efficiently. Routines can help you do just that!

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2. Decreases stress

Having a schedule (particularly one that’s generally the same from day to day) helps you avoid making last-minute decisions or rushing around in the morning. Consider this: Studies show that moms who have regular routines report feeling less overwhelmed and more resilient, as well as happier and more satisfied with their lives.

When you have a routine in place, you are giving your brain a break from figuring things out at that moment. It already knows what’s coming next, which allows you to take a second to breathe. You will feel less stressed and more at ease throughout the day.

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3. Makes for happier kids

This one reason was all that you might need to hear to start having a routine!

When kids know what to expect, they’re usually a lot more at ease with the day’s activities. This can make for happier home time, which is when you get your best family time in.

Having routines for working mothers can also make the difference between your family getting time to spend together versus everyone scrambling around looking for things they need to do. Routines help everyone know what’s coming next, which increases the feeling of security and allows you all to be calmer during transitional moments throughout the day.

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