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ParentingParenting TipsThe Power Of Positive Affirmations For Kids

The Power Of Positive Affirmations For Kids

What you think determines who you are. There are times when you feel unworthy and small. Such self-doubt influences your actions, which in turn contributes to stress. On the contrary, when you repeat positive phrases to yourself, it takes away the attention from your perceived flaws and lets you concentrate on your strengths. Positive thoughts lead to positive action.

Repeating positive affirmations is an effective way to break negative thinking patterns. It helps in gaining self-esteem and confidence. Like adults, children affected by anxiety can also benefit from these affirmations. 

What Are Positive Affirmations?

Positive affirmations are statements repeated routinely to promote positive thoughts and good feelings. These are words of encouragement that help to boost one’s self-image. 

Sometimes our brain cannot differentiate between what is real and what is not. When you imagine yourself doing something, you activate the same areas of the brain that turn active when you perform the activity. 

Repetition of affirmations leads to the brain believing these statements. As a result, one starts behaving according to what they believe. Positive affirmations encourage self-confidence, which results in better performance.

Why Use Positive Affirmations For Kids?

Stressful situations are more common in children than you may think, especially for those with a predisposition to anxiety. In the long run, creating a negative self-image will hinder their development and harm their mental health. 

Using affirmations regularly helps to maintain a healthy mental state in children. When they replace anxious thoughts with positive affirmations, it helps them calm down and handle the situation with a positive mindset. 

Tips For Using Positive Affirmations For Kids

  1. First, have a conversation with them to identify the negative self-perceptions. 
  2. Consider what you can do to make a positive change from an unhelpful thinking pattern. 
  3. Create simple statements of affirmation. Begin with neutral phrases if your child is struggling with low self-esteem to avoid feelings of conflict. Move to more positive statements once they have developed neutrality. 
  4. Make the affirmations as specific as possible. While it is easy to find affirmations on the internet, using personal phrases is more effective than stock affirmations. 
  5. Set the affirmations in the present tense. They are supposed to remind your child of their potential and keep them motivated.  
  6. Keep in mind that affirmations work as long as the changes are achievable. They should be specific and realistic enough to motivate your child. Statements like “I am the best” are less beneficial as they are generic and far-fetched. Instead, repeating “Mistakes are okay, and I learn from them” brings more benefit. 
  7. Have your child say these statements as frequently as possible. Let them repeat each affirmation 10-12 times. Make a habit of saying them out loud together. It can be a daily morning or bedtime routine. 
  8. Use post-its or posters at home to remind them of the affirmations. 


Positive affirmations for kids work best when they are repeated consistently. If your child cannot break the negative thinking pattern despite the time and effort, it is advisable to consult a therapist.


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