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ParentingParenting Tips5 Effective Ways to Calm Preschoolers Without a Screen

5 Effective Ways to Calm Preschoolers Without a Screen

In today’s digital age, screens have become a go-to solution for calming down children. However, it’s important to offer alternatives that promote healthy development and teach children self-regulation skills. In this blog post, we will explore five effective ways to calm down preschoolers without relying on screens. These strategies are not only screen-free but also foster creativity, emotional well-being, and parent-child bonding.

1. Deep Breathing and Mindful Moments

Teaching preschoolers deep breathing techniques and introducing mindful moments can help them regain control of their emotions. Encourage your child to take deep breaths in and out, counting to three with each breath. Create a calming routine by incorporating a simple mindfulness exercise, such as focusing on a calming object or listening to soothing sounds.

Deep breathing and mindfulness techniques can help preschoolers calm their minds and bodies, promoting a sense of relaxation and emotional regulation. Here’s how you can incorporate these practices into your child’s routine:

  • Deep breathing exercises:

Teach your child the concept of deep breathing by taking slow, deep breaths together. Encourage them to breathe in through their nose, hold the breath for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly through their mouth. Counting to three with each breath can help them focus and establish a rhythmic pattern. Deep breathing can help slow down their heart rate, reduce feelings of stress or anxiety, and promote a sense of calm.

  • Mindful moments:

Introduce simple mindfulness exercises to your child, such as focusing on a calming object or listening to soothing sounds. For example, you can provide a small object like a smooth stone or a soft toy and encourage your child to observe it mindfully, noticing its texture, color, and shape. Another option is to play gentle nature sounds or instrumental music and guide your child to listen attentively, paying attention to the different sounds they hear. These mindful moments help redirect their attention away from distressing thoughts and bring them into the present moment, fostering a sense of calm and grounding.

Incorporating these techniques into your child’s routine can help them develop self-soothing strategies and cope with challenging emotions. Remember to practice deep breathing and mindful moments together, demonstrating the techniques and offering guidance. Over time, your child will become more familiar with these practices and be able to utilize them independently when they need to calm down.

2. Sensory Activities

Engaging preschoolers in sensory activities can provide a soothing and calming experience. Consider creating a sensory bin filled with materials like rice, sand, or dried beans for your child to explore and manipulate. Offer textured toys, stress balls, or fidget spinners to provide tactile stimulation. Sensory play not only distracts from the source of distress but also promotes self-soothing and relaxation.

Sensory activities are an excellent way to calm down preschoolers as they provide a sensory-rich environment for exploration and relaxation. By engaging their senses, children can redirect their focus from their distressing emotions to the soothing sensations they experience. Here’s how you can incorporate sensory activities into your child’s routine:

  • Create a sensory bin:

Prepare a container or bin filled with materials like rice, sand, or dried beans. These materials offer different textures and provide opportunities for tactile exploration. Encourage your child to run their fingers through the materials, scoop them up, or pour them from one container to another. The repetitive and rhythmic movements involved in sensory bin play can help calm their bodies and minds.

  • Offer textured toys:

Provide your child with textured toys such as squishy balls, stress balls, or fidget spinners. These toys offer tactile stimulation and can be squeezed, rolled, or manipulated, which can help release tension and promote relaxation. The repetitive movements involved in playing with these toys can have a calming effect on the nervous system.

  • Engage in messy play:

Messy play, such as finger painting or playing with playdough, can be a therapeutic experience for preschoolers. It allows them to freely express their emotions and create something tangible. Set up a safe and designated space where your child can engage in messy play without worrying about making a mess. Encourage them to use their hands or tools to mold, shape, and explore the sensory qualities of the materials. This creative outlet helps children process their feelings, reduce anxiety, and find comfort in the act of creation.

3. Art Therapy

Art can be a powerful tool for emotional expression and self-soothing. Encourage your preschooler to engage in art activities like drawing, coloring, or painting. Provide a safe space where they can freely express their emotions through art. This creative outlet allows children to process their feelings, reduce anxiety, and find comfort in the act of creation.

Art therapy offers a way for preschoolers to express and make sense of their emotions. It provides a non-verbal means of communication and allows children to explore their feelings and experiences in a safe and supportive environment. Here are some ways to incorporate art therapy into your child’s routine:

  • Provide art supplies:

Stock up on crayons, colored pencils, markers, and various art materials suitable for your child’s age. Offer a variety of paper, including plain white paper, colored construction paper, and even sketchbooks. Having a range of materials encourages creativity and self-expression.

  • Create a safe space:

Dedicate an area in your home where your child can freely engage in art activities without worrying about making a mess or being judged. Set up a table or art corner with all the necessary supplies within their reach. Make sure the space is well-lit and comfortable, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the creative process.

  • Encourage expression:

Encourage your child to use art as a means of expressing their emotions. Provide open-ended prompts such as “Draw how you feel today” or “Create a picture of something that makes you happy.” Let them choose the subject matter and allow their imagination to take the lead. Avoid giving too much direction or criticism, as the focus is on the process of self-expression rather than the end result.

  • Reflect and discuss:

After your child has finished their artwork, take the time to reflect and discuss their creation. Ask open-ended questions such as “What inspired you to draw this?” or “Tell me about the colors you used.” By engaging in a conversation about their artwork, you provide an opportunity for them to explore their thoughts and emotions further.

Art therapy allows preschoolers to externalize their emotions, reduce stress, and gain a sense of control over their experiences. It promotes self-awareness and emotional well-being, fostering a deeper understanding of their own feelings. By providing a safe space for artistic expression, you can help your child develop effective coping mechanisms and find comfort in the act of creation.

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4. Music and Movement

Music has a profound impact on emotions and can help regulate mood. Play calming instrumental music or soothing lullabies to create a peaceful atmosphere. Encourage your child to engage in gentle movements like dancing, stretching, or yoga poses. Music and movement provide a healthy outlet for emotional release and promote relaxation.

Music has the power to evoke emotions and create a sense of calm in preschoolers. Here’s how you can incorporate music and movement into your child’s routine to help them calm down:

  • Play calming music:

Choose instrumental music or soft, soothing melodies that promote relaxation. You can create a playlist of gentle tunes or use music specifically designed for relaxation or meditation. The rhythmic patterns and soothing sounds can help your child regulate their breathing and find a sense of calm.

  • Encourage gentle movements:

Invite your child to engage in gentle movements that align with the rhythm of the music. They can sway their bodies, do simple stretches, or even try child-friendly yoga poses. The combination of music and movement helps release tension, improves blood flow, and promotes relaxation. It also serves as a healthy outlet for emotional expression.

  • Explore musical instruments:

Introduce your child to age-appropriate musical instruments such as tambourines, maracas, or xylophones. Allow them to experiment with creating their own sounds and rhythms. The act of playing an instrument can be both calming and empowering, as it engages their senses and gives them a sense of control over the sounds they produce.

5. Storytelling and Reading

Reading and storytelling offer a calming and comforting experience for preschoolers. Choose books with soothing or relatable themes that help children connect with their emotions. Create a cozy reading nook where you and your child can cuddle up with a book and engage in imaginative storytelling. The rhythmic flow of words and the warmth of storytelling can help preschoolers calm down and feel secure.

Storytelling and reading provide a nurturing and tranquil environment for children to unwind and relax. Here’s how you can incorporate storytelling and reading into your child’s routine:

  • Choose soothing books:

Select books with calming or relatable themes that resonate with your child’s emotions. Look for stories that depict characters overcoming challenges, promoting empathy and resilience. Books with repetitive or rhythmic language can be particularly soothing. Reading these stories can help your child feel understood and find solace in the characters’ experiences.

  • Create a cozy reading nook:

Designate a special area in your home as a reading nook. Make it comfortable and inviting with soft cushions, blankets, and a collection of age-appropriate books. This cozy space sets the stage for a calming reading experience. Encourage your child to snuggle up with you and dive into the world of storytelling.

  • Engage in imaginative storytelling:

Along with reading books, engage in imaginative storytelling with your child. Encourage them to share their own stories or participate in interactive storytelling sessions where you take turns adding to the narrative. This creative and interactive process allows children to explore their emotions and imaginations while promoting a sense of security and relaxation.

By incorporating music and movement as well as storytelling and reading into your child’s daily routine, you provide them with effective and screen-free ways to calm down. These activities engage their senses, promote emotional expression, and create a peaceful environment for relaxation.

Conclusion: Ways to Calm Preschoolers Without a Screens

While screens may offer a quick fix to calm preschoolers, it’s important to provide alternatives that promote healthy emotional development and teach self-regulation skills. By incorporating deep breathing, sensory activities, art therapy, music and movement, and storytelling into your child’s routine, you can create a calming environment that encourages emotional well-being and strengthens the parent-child bond. Remember, the goal is to provide children with screen-free strategies that allow them to develop lifelong coping mechanisms and emotional resilience.


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