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Self CareWell-being5 Signs That Someone Is Lying To You

5 Signs That Someone Is Lying To You

You must surely have come across that liar friend or lover who manipulated and convinced you with their lies. The worst part? They blamed you for doubting them. After their lies were revealed, all you could say to them was -“I knew you were lying, but I still believed you”. It is therefore essential to catch a liar before it’s too late. Here are five ways to find out if someone is lying to you.

1. Explain Too Much

Liars are always afraid of getting caught in the trap of their own lies. Out of nervousness, they start by getting into details about stuff you didn’t even ask for. For example, if your partner is going out on a date with someone else, they would start by giving unnecessary details as to why they can’t meet you tonight. They would even tell you the name and address of the place they are lying about going to, even when they usually don’t. This can be a sign that they are lying to you. 

2. Get Defensive

When you ask genuine questions to someone who is lying, they get defensive. This is because they didn’t plan to answer the questions you’re asking them. They may even get angry to the point that they walk out of the room. If the person is abusive, the chances are that they might hit you. You must step out of such a toxic friendship or relationship.

Recommended reading: Why Children Lie?

3. Break Into a Smile

People who lie often take pleasure in manipulating people with their lies. The chances are that when a liar is trying to convince you, they will break into a smile because of what is known as Duper’s Delight. Duper’s Delight is the thrill a liar gets in convincing people with their lies. They are proud of their lying capabilities, and this is why they break into a smile. Most often, people who are lying also break into forced laughter. They do this to avoid getting caught or to hide their nervousness. 

4. Fidget

Fidgeting such as whistling, shaking legs, and playing with one’s watch is a sign of nervousness. People who lie often fidget out of nervousness. Sometimes they are so nervous that they perspire or may take big gulps as their throat turns dry. Sometimes, their facial expression changes as well.

5. Eye Games

Liars who have just begun their lying careers find it difficult to meet the eyes of people they are lying to. Remember when you told your parents you were going to study with your friends but instead went to a club? Did you meet your parents’ eyes? Most people answer ‘no’. A person who has become an expert liar would instead look directly into the eyes, to a point that they won’t even blink. This, too, can be a sign that they are lying to you.

To conclude,

Liars can be difficult to catch. But as they say, they get caught up in the trap they have laid for others. Hope this helps you spot a liar instantly and make your next move wisely.


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