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ParentingParenting Tips7 Tips To Increase Concentration In Children

7 Tips To Increase Concentration In Children

“Can you sit in one place and complete your homework?”

“Can you focus on your task rather than looking here and there?”

“Can you color properly rather than just do it to get done with it?”

Sounds familiar?

At one moment, your child is doing homework and suddenly, the next moment, they are playing with the pencil or sneaking into the smartphone. And you are having a hard time to get your child concentrate on homework. 

Kids these days are always on their phones or iPads. It seems like they can’t go a minute without checking their social media feeds or playing games. While there’s nothing wrong with having some down time, it’s also important for kids to be able to concentrate on tasks that are important to them.

Yes, teaching children to focus and concentrate on their work is not easy but it is not impossible either. Here are some simple tips to increase concentration in children. 

7 tips to increase concentration in children

1. Reduce the distraction

In today’s world, there are so many distractions that concentrating on one thing is more difficult than ever before. While doing homework, if they find toys, gadgets, television, or smartphone around, it is very natural that children would give up after some time of struggling with their homework. Their hands would automatically reach out for the television remote, toys, or smartphone. So it is important to create a conducive environment. 

The environment in which kids study or work can impact their concentration levels. If the environment is too noisy or cluttered, it can be distracting for kids and make it harder for them to concentrate. To create a more conducive environment for concentration, make sure the studying area is well-lit and tidy, and try to reduce noise levels as much as possible.

Ensure that you remove or turn off all the sources of distractions around them. Also, ensure that you keep all essential stationary, books and study materials close by so that children don’t need to go searching for these items while doing homework. This will help children focus on one single task and complete it with total concentration. 

2. Meditate

Meditation, the age-old hack to improve concentration, can work wonders for children. It is scientifically proven that meditating daily for just 10-20 minutes increases your brain power, strengthens your memory, and increases your focus. It also promotes better mental health. 

Doing meditation daily by sitting in one place for 10 minutes would help children focus on one thing and get in the habit of doing one task at a time with utmost concentration. Also, daily exercise would help children clear their minds and give an energy boost to the brain so that the brain can concentrate on the given task for a longer period.

Also, breathing exercises can help kids relax and focus their thoughts. There are many different breathing exercises that you can teach kids, but one simple exercise is to have them focus on their breath and count to four as they inhale, and then count to four as they exhale. Teaching kids regular breathing exercises can help them to control their thoughts and increase their concentration levels.

3. Play games

Some games that can help improve concentration are crosswords, jigsaw puzzles, chess, sudoku, brain teasers, etc. Such games improve their mind’s capability to concentrate on one particular activity and complete it efficiently. 

You can also try engaging children in some sequencing activities, such as keeping chairs in a row, arranging items according to height or weight, arranging objects in alphabetical order, etc., to improve concentration and attention span. 

4. Follow a routine

Doing things randomly every day and planning activities last moment would not provide sufficient time to your child to prepare and fulfill the task with concentration. They would end up wasting a lot of energy. Routine can be helpful for children when it comes to concentration because it provides structure and predictability. When children know what to expect, they can relax and focus on the task at hand. Remember, children thrive on routine. Doing things at the same time every day helps; for instance, after coming home from school, they have lunch, then sleep, then go out to play, and then do their homework in the evening. 

To establish a routine, start by setting regular times for activities such as studying, eating, and playing. Then, try to stick to this schedule as much as possible. We understand that following the routine strictly may be a challenge at times. So the goal should be to follow the routine as closely as possible. 

Sleep is important for concentration because it allows the brain to rest and recharge. Most kids need between 9 and 12 hours of sleep each day. To help kids get enough sleep, establish a bedtime routine and make sure they have a comfortable place to sleep. Also, limit screen time before bed as the light from screens can disrupt sleep.

5. Break big activities into smaller tasks

When the task at hand is too big or too complex or requires too many things to be done, children might feel overwhelmed and lose concentration halfway into the activity. 

Help children break big activities into smaller manageable tasks that they can focus on and fulfill realistically within a limited timeline. Assigning children smaller tasks will help them take intermitted breaks and get back to the next task with complete concentration. To help them stay focused, encourage children to take breaks often, even if it’s just for a few minutes. During break times, kids can move around, have a snack, or do something fun to help them relax. And achieving every small task can give children a sense of accomplishment and keep them motivated. 

6. Eat healthy

A healthy diet is important for everyone, but it’s especially important for kids because their bodies are still growing. Food plays a very important role in our brain health and in improving our focus. Encourage your child to eat healthy food as the food we eat has a direct correlation with our ability to focus and concentration level. Eating a healthy diet can help increase concentration in children by providing them with the nutrients they need for a healthy brain.

To encourage kids to eat healthy, make sure meals are balanced and include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Also, limit sugary snacks and drinks, which can cause energy crashes that make it difficult to concentrate.

American Academy of Pediatrics shows that nowadays children are consuming a lot of sugar through junk food and an increase in sugar intake affects how our brain functions, in turn affecting concentration levels in children. It is scientifically proven that if children eat a lot of greens, fish, eggs, and fruits, their brain functions better; their concentration improves.

7. Set time limits and reward

Whenever a task has a time limit, children find it challenging and try to complete it within the specific time. They try to concentrate better because they know they cannot afford distractions if they must complete the work on time. So, set time limits – tell your child they have to do the coloring activity in 20 minutes, complete maths homework in 30 minutes, or clean their room in 10 minutes. This would make the process challenging, and children would enjoy doing it.

When they complete the task within the specified timeframe, celebrate and reward them to keep them motivated. This will help them to see that their efforts are being appreciated and will encourage them to keep up the good work. 

8. Help them develop a positive attitude towards learning

If children see learning as a chore, they are less likely to be motivated to concentrate. Therefore, it’s important to help them develop a positive attitude towards learning. One way to do this is by making learning fun and interactive. For example, you can use games and puzzles to teach new concepts, or turn traditional worksheets into fun coloring activities.

Also help your child develop good study habits. Good study habits are important for concentration, and these habits can be taught at any age. Some good study habits include setting regular study times, taking breaks often, and organizing materials in a way that makes them easy to find. Helping kids develop these habits can make it easier for them to concentrate when they are studying or working on tasks.

Conclusion: Tips to increase concentration in children

Every child is different. Every child learns differently. Some might find it easy to concentrate while others may find it equally difficult; so, understand your child’s learning style, their capacity and accordingly use the above-given tips to increase their concentration. In the process, try to be their partner rather than lecturing them. Show them your love and support to encourage them to concentrate better.


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