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ParentingParenting Tips7 Tips To Teach Your Child Responsibility

7 Tips To Teach Your Child Responsibility

Home is where children learn their first lessons. They learn to walk, talk, eat, brush their teeth, and so on. As they grow older, they learn to do more things on their own and become self-sufficient. One of the most important life lessons that you should ensure that you teach your child is responsibility. Parents and caregivers need to ensure that a child develops a sense of responsibility at an early age.

What is meant by making child responsible?

To be responsible means several things, including:

  • being independent
  • being dependable
  • meeting expectations
  • always giving their best
  • honoring commitments
  • not shifting the blame on others
  • not making excuses
  • acknowledging mistakes
  • being accountable for their words or actions
  • accepting praise gracefully
  • being faithful to duty/role at home and outside

A responsible person can succeed in life as they take control of their choices. They live up to expectations and earn the trust of others. It makes them feel confident and accepted. So, it is important to teach children to be responsible. But how does one teach the concept of responsibility to a child? The answer is – by giving them responsibilities!
You can start by assigning them household chores and duties. Read on for some tips to teach your child responsibility.

Ways to teach your child responsibility

1. Start early

Children learn from experience. The earlier you start, the better. Assign age-appropriate tasks to your child. The difficulty level should increase along with their age.

2. Give them household chores

Home is the best place for experiments for your children. Let them perform age-appropriate chores. Show them how to do a task. Participating in chores makes them feel included. From dependent children, they will gradually become contributing members of the household.

3. Stop doing everything for your child

Once they learn how to do a task, let them handle it. Observe them but avoid doing what they can do by themselves. Parents often feel obliged to help their children and eliminate their problems. But hold yourself back. Keep in mind that by allowing them to do tasks alone, you are helping them grow as responsible and independent kids.

4. Let your child clean up their mess

If they spill food on the table, hand them a tissue and teach them to clean it up. After playing, make them pick up their toys. Adopt a positive and friendly attitude when asking them to clean the mess they create. Cleaning up will teach them to be accountable for their behavior. Protecting your child from the consequences of their actions promotes irresponsibility.

5. Use rewards and praises

Give your child a deserving pat on the back or extra playtime when they complete a task successfully. Children respond well to positive reinforcement.
Refrain from punishing them for incomplete tasks as it might make them lose interest. Instead explain to your child why the task is necessary.

Recommended reading: Praising Children the Right Way

6. Encourage your child to think

Know the difference between obedience and responsibility. An obedient child simply follows orders while a responsible child knows what they should do. Help them to analyze the situation and manage their tasks. Ask questions like, “What should you do after dinner?” to suggest making the bed before sleep.

7. Practice what you teach

Set a good example by meeting your responsibilities. Explain your duties to your child and keep your promises.

Recommended reading: 5 Tips to Become a Role Model for Your Kids

Conclusion: Teach your child responsibility 

Don’t rush your child. Let them take their time to learn and adapt to new challenges. A responsible child recognizes the importance of a task and understands their duty to perform it. If your kid completes a job without being told, you have successfully instilled a sense of responsibility in them.

Summary: 7 Tips To Teach Your Child Responsibility

7 Tips To Teach Your Child Responsibility


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