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Self CareWell-beingDo You Believe In Vision Boards?

Do You Believe In Vision Boards?

Everyone in the world has a dream of something they would like to do. It doesn’t matter if it is simple or complex, big or small — everyone has at least one goal they are working towards.

But how many of them actually work towards it?

The majority don’t.

Because when the dream is in your head, it’s just a dream, something far away and sometimes too big to become real! 

That’s why you need a vision board.

Why Create Vision Boards?

1. It makes your dream feel real.

It’s easy to ignore your dreams when it’s intangible in your head. It is also easy to brand it as impossible or something for the future.

But vision boards make the dream feel real. It’s a fantasy when you think of becoming a millionaire, but when you put that as a picture of $1,000,000 in your bank account, it’s an exciting target that you can achieve.

Recommended reading: How To Make a Vision Board That Actually Works

2. Helps you manifest your dreams.

Creating a vision board is putting your dreams out in the Universe. You are sending a signal that this is what you want and that you are willing to work for it. And what you put out there in the Universe will manifest.

Not a believer?

No problem! 

When you have your dreams and goals in front of you, you become conscious of them. This consciousness helps you spot more opportunities related to them which you might otherwise ignore!

Recommended reading: 5 Reasons Why You Should Create Your Bucket List Now

3. Acts as an everyday reminder.

“Out of sight, out of mind.”

Box up your dream in your head for later, and you will lose it among the pile of everyday rubbish. 

On the other hand, having a vision board reminds you every day of what you want in life. This will inspire you to align your daily tasks towards it.

4. Helps you overcome your fears.

Every time I think of my dreams, my mind goes, “ya, right!.”

No, that’s not excitement. That’s my mind using sarcasm to mask its fear.

And we all experience it when we set big goals. That’s the number one reason people never work for it. Because it’s anyway too hard and unreachable right?

Vision board shoos away this fear by showing us how it would be when we actually achieve it. You can shut your brain’s “How am I gonna make a million-dollar” with the picture of $1,000,000 in your bank account. This visualization makes us realize that it can be real. 

5. Creates a positive visual representation of your future.

A lot of dreams remain dreams because of “but what if”.

But what if I fail?

But what if things don’t work out?

But what if I’m not good enough?

Vision board tells you, but what if it works out! It allows you to look at the best possible outcome so that you don’t drown your dream in “what ifs.” 

Recommended reading: Don’t Let Society Tell You How To Live

6. Makes you feel good!

When you create it, it makes you feel inspired, motivated and ready to go for it! It gives you a better insight into what makes YOU happy.

And even when you manage a little success, it gives you the confidence that you are capable. 

When your dreams do come true, it makes sure you acknowledge your success and celebrate it.

Conclusion: Why Create Vision Boards

If it isn’t clear already, I’m a strong believer in vision boards because I have seen its effect first-hand and would recommend it to anyone in a heartbeat! So, what are you waiting for? Go create one for yourself and make your dreams a reality! 


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