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Self CareWell-being6 Reasons Why You Should Start Using a Planner

6 Reasons Why You Should Start Using a Planner

Do you feel like you need more than 24 hours a day and two hands to get things done?

Yea, I know the feeling!

The pit in the stomach when most of the day is done, but the tasks aren’t. That overwhelming sense of failure every time something slips through the cracks, and you just can’t remember what it was. And the panic of everything being all over the place.

Being a mom is hard! And there is always so much to do.

But we can make things easier for us with a few tricks.

Like having a planner! It can make you feel more in control of things (the feeling that went out of the window when we became a mom 😅).

So, here are six reasons why you should start using a planner: 

1. No more forgetting things

How many times have you made a mental note of a task, was sure that you won’t forget and then poof! Your memory played you a fool.

Well, it happens too many times for me and that’s the prime reason for me getting a planner. And what a great decision it was. 

Not only did I stop forgetting things but it also cleared up so much space in my brain. I no longer had to put energy into remembering things and stopped feeling anxious about forgetting things. 

2. Focus on important activities

You might have a hundred things to do. But more often than not, only a handful of them are important. 

When you use a planner to plan your day, you can list down all the tasks and pick 3-5 priorities for that day. This way, you can focus on the important activities instead of feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of small, unimportant tasks.

Recommended reading: Beginner’s Guide To Getting Started With a Planner

3. Feel accomplished

When you start doing point 2, you will notice the nagging feeling of “whatever I do, it’s never enough!” slowly vanish! 

Ticking items on the to-do list is in itself a therapeutic activity. Add in mindful prioritizing with that, and you will start feeling accomplished and content with yourself.

4. Be organized

With a planner, all of your tasks and appointments can be in one place and neatly sorted. There are planners of all kinds available with provisions to make a meal plan, track habits, monitor your health and more.

When you start using the right planner, it will help you organize your life and make you feel more in control of it.

Check out our Mom Life Planner for as #momtastic year ahead.

5. Lower stress level

Stress can have severe repercussions on our health. When things are getting out of hand, the overwhelming feeling is damaging our bodies and mind.

And sadly, humans are bad at managing stress in general.

That’s why you should start using a planner. When it’s all in your mind, it is just too much. Put it in writing; suddenly you can see things clearly and manage it all better. Again, you feel more in control and are less overwhelmed. This lowers your stress levels considerably.

6. Improve your lifestyle

Finally, a planner helps you improve your lifestyle. How?

When you use a planner regularly, you have a record of everyday things. You can use it to analyze your strengths and weaknesses; see which area needs more effort; make more time for things that matter. 

I can keep going on and on about this. 

But you get it, right?

Having a planner helps you be more in control of your life and increases your overall productivity. You might think that you are not a “planner kind of person”. But just give it a try once. If it works out for you, it can make a world of difference!   


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