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Kids ActivitiesRainy Day Fun: 20 Activities for Kindergarten Kids During Monsoons

Rainy Day Fun: 20 Activities for Kindergarten Kids During Monsoons

The monsoon season is here, and with it comes a time of fun and adventure for kindergarten kids. The rain brings with it a fresh breath of life, turning everything into a lush green paradise. As the kids take a break from their usual school routine, they are left with ample time to explore and learn new things.

But what can you do to keep your little ones occupied during the rainy season?

Fear not, as we have compiled a list of 20 rainy day fun activities that your kindergarten kids will love to do during the monsoon season. From indoor games to outdoor adventures, there’s something for everyone. So, put on those raincoats and get ready for some fun!

Here are 20 rainy day fun activities for monsoon season that will keep your kindergarten kids entertained.

1. Paper Boat Race

Teach your kids how to make paper boats and have a race in a water-filled puddle.

2. Treasure Hunt

Hide some toys or objects around the house and give clues to your kids to find them.

3. Indoor Obstacle Course

Create an obstacle course in your living room with pillows, cushions, and chairs.

4. Rainbow Art

Draw a rainbow on a piece of paper and have your kids color it in with different shades of the rainbow.

5. Dance Party

Put on some music and have a dance party with your kids.

6. Puddle Jumping

Put on some rain boots and jump in puddles with your kids.

7. Sensory Bin

Fill a bin with rice or beans and small toys for your kids to play with.

8. Bubble Play

Blow bubbles with your kids and have them try to catch them.

9. Finger Painting

Use washable paint and let your kids get creative with finger painting.

10. Indoor Picnic

Spread out a blanket and have a picnic indoors with your kids.

11. Story Time

Read books with your kids and make it a cozy indoor activity.

Recommended reading: Rainy Day Reads For Kids

12. DIY Rain Gauge

Make a rain gauge with a jar and a ruler and track how much rain falls.

13. Animal Charades

Have your kids act out animals for others to guess.

14. Playdough Fun

Make homemade playdough and have your kids create different shapes and figures.

15. Board Games

Play board games with your kids, such as Chutes and Ladders or Candy Land.

16. DIY Wind Chimes

Make wind chimes with items like shells, beads, and bells.

17. Sensory Bottles

Create sensory bottles with items like glitter, water, and small toys for your kids to explore.

18. Nature Walk

Take a walk with your kids in the rain and explore the sights and sounds of nature.

19. DIY Rain Sticks

Make rain sticks with items like paper towel rolls and rice.

20. Indoor Scavenger Hunt

Create a scavenger hunt with clues and items hidden around the house for your kids to find.

These activities will not only keep your kids entertained during monsoon season but also help with their development and creativity. With a little bit of creativity and imagination, you can turn a rainy day into a fun-filled adventure for your kindergarten kids.


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