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ParentingParenting TipsChange How You View Misbehavior and Rule-breaking: Understand Your Child's Needs

Change How You View Misbehavior and Rule-breaking: Understand Your Child’s Needs

It’s often easy to get caught up in the moment and view our child’s misbehavior or rule-breaking as a sign of manipulation or defiance. But what if there’s more to it than that? What if our child’s behavior is actually a cry for help, a sign that they are struggling with unmet needs or underdeveloped skills?

When we shift our perspective and view challenging behavior through this lens, it can completely change how we respond to our child. Instead of getting angry or frustrated, we can approach the situation with empathy and understanding, and work to address the underlying issue.


For example, when a child throws a tantrum in the supermarket because they can’t have a candy bar, it’s easy to see it as a power struggle. But what if the child is actually lacking self-regulation skills and getting overwhelmed by their big emotions? By recognizing this, we can help our child learn strategies to manage their emotions in a more positive way.

Similarly, when a child constantly fights with their sibling, it’s easy to see it as a sign of aggression or defiance. But what if the child actually needs support and practice with frustration tolerance and conflict resolution? By recognizing this, we can provide our child with the tools they need to navigate challenging social situations in a more positive way.

And when a child can’t sit still at the dinner table, it’s easy to see it as a sign of disrespect or disobedience. But what if the child has a lot of unspent energy and need

s help to channel it? By recognizing this, we can provide our child with opportunities for physical activity and help them find positive outlets for their energy.

Recommended reading: Does Your Child Refuse to Cooperate?

Recommended reading: 5 Strategies for Dealing with Child Misbehaving in School

The way forward

By changing how we view our child’s misbehavior and rule-breaking, we can help them develop the skills and strategies they need to thrive. So the next time your child acts out, take a moment to pause and consider what might be underneath their behavior. With a little empathy and understanding, you can help your child navigate challenging situations in a more positive and productive way.


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