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ParentingParenting Tips5 Tips To Stop Being an Absent Parent

5 Tips To Stop Being an Absent Parent

What is the best thing you can give your child that wouldn’t cost you a penny? Well, that’s your time, isn’t it! Time is precious, and sometimes parents fail to give this most precious gift to their children. Presence over presents is what a child needs but today due to lack of time, busy schedules, increased divorces, and other socio-economic factors have led to absent parenting.

An absent parent is someone who is physically present but is emotionally unavailable to the child. There is no room for sharing thoughts, love, affection, sadness, or mutual agreement. They are uninvolved in their child’s activities and offer little advice, support, or appreciation. They don’t make demands, and they don’t often set norms or expectations for behavior.

Now let’s find out the top five ways of how not to be an absent parent.

1. Reduce screen time

The more we go digital, the more we are facing detachment issues. People are finding solace in their shells. Absent parenting may lead to the child spending more time on screen, which can lead to alarming consequences like poor eyesight, low concentration, and anger issues. To reduce screen time, instill the habit of reading in children because it is a magical world full of creativity. Books nourish a reader’s imagination and help them adapt to new concepts. Engage with kids in their journey of reading.

2. Use the power of expression

Express love. Show kindness. Hug your children often, ignore a few mistakes, and guide them when needed. Praise them the right way. Appreciate them for small achievements and keep realistic expectations. Also, empower children to make certain decisions for themselves.

3. Use positive affirmations

Studies have shown that affirmations are very important for a child’s growth. Words of praise not only boost confidence levels but also infuse a feeling of self-worth. It can reprogram our subconscious minds to help us be more motivated to solve issues, seek out kindness in the world, and accept ourselves as we are. Affirmations help children control their emotions better.

4. Invest quality time

Parenting is not just taking care of a child’s physical and financial needs. Fulfilling their emotional needs is a significant part of parenting which is often overlooked and underrated. To avoid being an absent parent, you need to ensure that you spend some quality time every day with your children. These 1-o-1 interactions can help you understand your kids better and strengthen your relationship. You don’t need to have an agenda in mind for these interactions. Just simply being available for your children does the magic!

5. Invest in self

Money can’t buy everything. Though children must understand the value of money and what it takes to earn that money for a living, it is equally important for them to understand that many things come free of cost. Take them out, feel the fresh air, witness sunsets, and show acts of kindness. Connecting with self is important for both parents and children.

There is nothing called a good or a bad parent; it is just about the right approach to parenting. Being an absent parent may have long-term impact on the child’s mental health. Such long-term repercussions can include low self-worth, seeking acceptance from the opposite sex, drug abuse, and trust issues. By consistently being an absent parent, the only message you send out to your children is that they are not worth your time. Don’t leave behind a legacy of loneliness for your children. Act before it’s too late.

Summary: Stop Being an Absent Parent

Stop Being an Absent Parent


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