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ParentingParenting TipsHow to Help Children Make New Year's Resolutions

How to Help Children Make New Year’s Resolutions

The start of a new year brings with it an air of possibility and a chance for fresh beginnings. It’s an excellent time for children to learn the value of setting goals and working towards them. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical and effective ways to assist children in making meaningful New Year’s resolutions that foster growth and personal development.

1. Start with a Conversation

Initiating an open and engaging conversation with your child about New Year’s resolutions is the first step towards guiding them in this meaningful practice. Encourage them to reflect on aspects of their life they’d like to improve or new skills they’d like to acquire. This initial dialogue sets the stage for thoughtful and purposeful goal-setting.

By inviting your child to share their aspirations, you create a space for them to express their desires and ambitions. This conversation can be a wonderful opportunity to understand their interests and areas they may want to focus on for personal growth. For instance, they might express a keen interest in learning a musical instrument or improving their performance in a specific subject at school.

Encouraging this self-reflection not only empowers your child but also strengthens your bond through shared goal-setting. As a parent or guardian, your role is to offer guidance and support in turning these aspirations into achievable resolutions. This conversation lays the groundwork for a collaborative journey towards self-improvement and personal development, fostering a sense of purpose and determination in your child’s mindset.

By starting with this engaging conversation, you set a positive tone for the resolution-setting process, instilling in your child the belief that they have the power to shape their own future. This open communication becomes the foundation for a fruitful and enriching journey of growth and accomplishment.

2. Tailoring Resolutions for Success

Keep it Age-Appropriate

When guiding your child in making New Year’s resolutions, it’s imperative to customize the goals based on their age, abilities, and interests. This ensures that the resolutions are not only achievable but also personally meaningful to them.

For younger children, focus on foundational skills and habits that are appropriate for their developmental stage. Encourage goals like learning to tie their shoes, practicing good hygiene, or even taking on simple household tasks. These objectives are tangible and contribute to their growing independence and self-care abilities.

As your child grows older, their resolutions can evolve to encompass more complex aspirations. This could involve setting academic goals, pursuing new hobbies, or adopting positive personal habits. For instance, instead of a generic resolution like “exercise more,” encourage them to commit to playing outside for at least 30 minutes every day. This specific and measurable goal provides a clear direction for their efforts.

Encourage Specific and Realistic Goals

When assisting your child in setting New Year’s resolutions, emphasize the importance of specificity and realism. Rather than opting for broad aspirations like “exercise more,” encourage objectives that are clear and attainable. For instance, suggest a resolution of “playing outside for at least 30 minutes every day.” This specific goal not only offers a precise target but also provides a straightforward route to achievement.

Specific resolutions provide a clear roadmap, outlining the exact steps needed to accomplish the desired outcome. They eliminate ambiguity and offer a tangible focus for your child’s efforts. This clarity contributes to a sense of purpose and determination, making the resolution-setting process more effective and fulfilling. Realistic goals are essential for maintaining motivation and preventing discouragement.

Break Goals into Manageable Steps

Breaking down larger aspirations into smaller, achievable tasks is a crucial strategy for ensuring success in New Year’s resolutions. This approach transforms overwhelming objectives into manageable, bite-sized actions. For instance, if the resolution involves learning a new skill, like playing a musical instrument, start with setting aside dedicated practice time each day. As your child progresses, gradually introduce more complex techniques and pieces. Each step forward provides a tangible sense of accomplishment, reinforcing their commitment to the resolution.

Moreover, this method cultivates a habit of consistent progress, instilling discipline and perseverance in your child’s mindset. It also helps them stay motivated and focused, as they can track their advancements in smaller increments.

3. Suggest; Don’t Dictate Resolutions

Empowering children to develop their own resolutions is a pivotal step in teaching them the invaluable skill of goal-setting. While it’s crucial for kids to take the lead in this process, parents can offer valuable guidance without imposing their own agenda.

The key is to start by actively listening to your child. Ask them what they envision for themselves in the coming year. By letting their own desires and aspirations drive the conversation, you create a space for them to express their thoughts and ambitions freely. This approach ensures that the resolutions are truly their own, aligned with their personal growth and development.

To provide a gentle nudge in the right direction, suggest a few general categories for change. These might include personal goals, friendship goals, helping goals, and school goals. These broad categories serve as a framework, allowing your child to fill in the specifics based on their own interests and areas they’d like to focus on.

Encourage your child to reflect on how they want to grow and evolve. Ask them if there are aspects of themselves or their interactions with others that they feel they could improve or approach differently. For example, inquire about how they might treat their siblings, share with friends, or contribute more effectively at home. If they’re struggling to articulate their thoughts, offer some examples to spark their imagination.

It’s also important to acknowledge material goals that your child may have in mind, such as collecting toys. While these may seem different from traditional resolutions, they hold significance to your child and provide an opportunity for meaningful conversation. Being open to their material aspirations fosters trust and allows you to gain insight into their thought process.

By suggesting general categories and gently guiding your child in clarifying their goals, you create a supportive framework for them to develop meaningful resolutions. This collaborative approach empowers them to take ownership of their growth and sets the stage for a year of self-discovery and accomplishment.

4. Lead by Example

Leading by example is a powerful way to instill the practice of setting and achieving New Year’s resolutions in children. It involves embodying the values and behaviors you wish to instill in your child, creating a consistent and positive influence.

Share Your Own Resolutions with Your Child

Sharing your own resolutions with your child is a crucial step in this process. By bringing your goals to the forefront, you demonstrate that setting resolutions is not just a task for children, but a practice that everyone can benefit from. This transparency allows your child to see that you too are committed to personal growth and self-improvement.

Help them Understand Why You Chose these Resolutions

It’s important to explain why you’ve chosen specific resolutions. This not only provides context but also helps children understand the underlying motivations for setting these goals. For example, if your resolution is to cook dinner at home more often, you might explain, “Mom and I have decided to cook dinner at home more because it helps us save money, and it’s also a fun way for us to spend time together as a family.” This kind of open communication encourages children to think critically about their own resolutions and the reasons behind them.

Set an example

Setting an example doesn’t stop at sharing your resolutions; it extends to actively working towards and achieving them. If your resolution is to be more punctual, make a conscious effort to be on time for family outings and activities. When children see you following through on your own goals, it reinforces the idea that resolutions are meant to be taken seriously and that progress is possible with dedication and effort.

Furthermore, if you’re asking your child to make resolutions, it’s important to ensure that you’re also willing to make similar commitments. For instance, if you’re encouraging your child to read more, demonstrate your own commitment to reading by setting aside time for it each day. This shows that you value the same principles you’re encouraging in your child.

5. Provide Encouragement and Positive Reinforcement

Maintaining a positive and uplifting atmosphere around New Year’s resolutions is essential for your child’s motivation and enthusiasm. Begin by celebrating their achievements from the past year, emphasizing their successes and growth. This not only boosts their confidence but also sets a constructive tone for the resolution-setting process.

Highlight the progress they made in areas that required dedication and effort, reinforcing the idea that hard work pays off. For instance, if they mastered a challenging song on the piano, remind them of the extra effort they put in to achieve it. This serves as a powerful reminder of their ability to overcome obstacles through persistence and determination.

Encourage your child to reflect on their newfound abilities and consider how they can apply this success to other aspects of their life. This prompts them to recognize their own potential for growth and improvement. By connecting their achievements to broader life skills, you help them see the value in their accomplishments.

Looking forward, ask them about the exciting things they hope to achieve in the coming year. Invite them to envision how these goals can contribute to a happier and more fulfilling life. By focusing on positive outcomes and personal aspirations, you foster a sense of optimism and excitement about the resolution-setting process.


Guiding your child in setting New Year’s resolutions is a powerful way to instill the values of self-improvement and personal growth. By starting with open conversations, tailoring goals to their age, and providing gentle guidance, you empower them to take ownership of their aspirations. Encouraging specific, realistic, and manageable goals ensures a clear path to success. Celebrate their achievements and offer consistent support throughout their journey. Ultimately, this process cultivates a mindset of determination and resilience, setting the stage for a year of meaningful growth and accomplishment. Together, you embark on a journey of shared aspirations, fostering a stronger bond and a brighter future.


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