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ParentingParenting TipsInternet and Children - The Dangers and How to Strike a Balance 

Internet and Children – The Dangers and How to Strike a Balance 

We use the internet for virtually everything today, from entertainment and shopping to meetings and schoolwork. It has become one of the necessities of modern living. Among the active users of the internet, children make up a significant part of the online population. Most parents provide their kids with internet connections for school projects and learning. They also use it for gaming, entertainment, and social networking. In the process, children are becoming more independent online. This also means they are more vulnerable and susceptible to the dangers of the cyber world than ever before, especially when their online activity goes unsupervised. 

Children aged between 9-13 years experience several physical and behavioral changes. This is a sensitive age as your child transitions from childhood to adolescence. Children in this age group still depend on the adults in their life but also want some independence, freedom, and privacy. These days, a child of this age group is unlikely to be without a smartphone or a tablet. They use the internet for assignments and fun activities like playing games, making friends, listening to music, and getting updates from their favorite celebrities. Although it is a tool for information and communication, many threats are lurking on the web. 

The Dangers

Here are some risks that your child may face online. 

1. Cyberbullying

Bullies harass their victims online by hiding behind anonymous profiles. Any person can send hateful and sexually demeaning messages, death threats, post nasty comments and float rumors by creating a fake profile that protects their identity. The emergence of social media has contributed to the rising number of cyberbullying cases. One such example is the cancel culture on Twitter which poses a threat of mass bullying. Cancel culture began as a form of online boycott holding someone accountable for their problematic behavior but has now turned into a kind of bullying. 

Cyberbullying is challenging as there is no easy solution other than taking a break from social media. One cannot intervene directly when the harassment takes place online, unlike physical bullying. 

2. Predators

“Stranger danger” is one of the earliest lessons you teach a toddler when they begin to explore the world beyond their home. It is the idea that strangers may be dangerous, and it is best to stay away from them. Your child needs the same advice when they venture out into the cyber world and meet strangers online. 

Predators join chat rooms and social networking sites to find their potential victims. They often disguise themselves as peers to contact a child. It begins by luring the kids by posing as a kind and understanding strangers. Once they gain the confidence of the child, they encourage the minor to engage in risky behavior.

3. Inappropriate content

Children are at the risk of encountering graphic, sexual, or violent content on the internet. Exposure to pornography and other inappropriate content at an early age can lead to undesired consequences like early sex, porn or sex addiction, and violence.  

4. Scams

The internet world is an unsafe place where one needs to be wary of scams and identity thefts. Children make easy targets for scams online. They may share sensitive and private information without realizing the risks of it. 

5. Cybersecurity concerns

As we are moving towards a more digitalized world, cyber-attacks and security threats are on the rise. Be sure that your child is not compromising the security of your network or devices by visiting unsafe sites. 

6. Gaming Addiction and Costs

Gaming has evolved to be more interactive and engaging. It is easy to download games from the internet and start playing. Children spend hours playing games online, which can lead to addiction and lack of physical activity. If your child loves gaming, they might purchase virtual game items using your credit card information which is then stored automatically for future upgrades. 

Safety Tips

If your little ones have begun surfing the net by themselves, it is time for you to take proper measures to ensure their safety online. Here is what you can do.

1. Talk to your children

Learning begins at home. Educate your children about the dangers of the internet and the importance of practicing safe browsing. The goal is not to instill any fear but to prepare them to deal with the threats online. Let your child know it is safe to discuss anything that makes them feel uncomfortable. 

2. Regulate internet usage of children

Supervise their online activities and ensure that they do not create any email id or a social media account without your knowledge. Place the computer in a common area. If they use a tablet or a smartphone, set a time limit or create a tech-free zone. Set rules and boundaries to limit their internet use. 

3. Take Control

Use software that lets you monitor and filter what your child can see and do online. Use parental controls on all devices and activate safe search settings on search engines and entertainment sites. Make sure games, movies, and apps are appropriate for your child by checking their age ratings.

4. Discuss Social Networking

Talk to your child before they join a social networking site. Discuss the risks of sharing any information and teach them to avoid potentially dangerous strangers. Make sure to check their posts and interactions. Apprise them about the risks of making friends online.

To conclude,

Although the internet provides knowledge, entertainment, possibilities to form good connections, it is also a place full of harmful content, scammers, and predators. Always remember, your child is depending on you for protection from cyber threats.

Recommended reading: Is Your Child Spending Too Much Time On Smartphone

To read more about parenting in the age of internet and check out the books below.

Summary: Internet and Children – The Dangers and How to Strike a Balance

Internet and Children


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