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ParentingParenting TipsWhat To Tell Your Son About Periods?

What To Tell Your Son About Periods?

Putting off that uncomfortable conversation about mensuration and growing up with your son? I can understand the hesitation. Our previous generation had kept the men and the women’s world far apart and made all these taboo. 

But we have come far from that. 

Today’s children are smarter than their age and can understand concepts far better than we did at a young age. 

So, it’s more important now that we feed them with the right information and positive perspective about these things before unhelpful stereotypes or misinformation catches up to them. 

Now, how do you go about this? 

1. Start Early.

How early? As early as they start asking questions. It could be at 4 or 5 years old. 

It could be sparked from seeing your period products like pads or tampons. Or it could be ‘where do babies come from?’. Give a genuine explanation about the reproductive system instead of the ‘god gave me you as a blessing after daddy and I got married’ explanation that we all grew up with. 

It’s okay if they don’t understand the explanation completely yet. They will understand it eventually, and you would have laid strong groundwork for it. 

2. Do Not Hide.

A child’s mind is like an explorer. He would want to know about everything he comes across. Your son might find a tampon, menstrual cup, or a sanitary napkin packet in your wardrobe. 

Instead of excuses or fake stories, explain to him what the product is for and that girls bleed a little bit from their vaginas every month to get prepared for a baby when she grows up. 

Sons are usually more sensitive about their mothers. So, explain these with you as a subject and then say that is how it is for every girl.

Recommended reading: How To Teach Your Child About Consent

3. Use Proper Terms.

Along with busting myths, it’s also time to stop giving weird nicknames to private parts and reproduction-related terms. Be clear and concise with terms like vagina, penis, baby, and pregnancy. 

Using nicknames is another way of implying that it’s not okay to talk about them openly. Instead, explain to them that periods are normal and occur once every month. 

If they are at the age of puberty, ask them to be considerate to their fellow girl students as it might be painful for some.

Recommended reading: Teach Your Child About Good Touch And Bad Touch

4. Make It Normal.

While explaining about periods is a necessary first step, it is not enough to normalise it.

Here’s what you can do to normalise it:

  • Let your son know that you have your periods.
  • Talk about the effects that periods have on you and ask for their help and support. It could be as simple as ‘mommy needs rest these three days’ or ‘don’t make me walk much’. 
  • Handle period products openly. No more hiding it.

Recommended reading: Top 5 Books To Teach Your Child About Consent

5. Encourage Them To Talk To You.

When they come asking questions about menstruation or any such topic, along with answering the question, appreciate them for bringing it to you. And let them know that they can ask you any other questions they might have at any time.

This builds trust and confidence in your son. This will ensure that they come to you with questions instead of looking for another source (at least till a certain age).

You can also show some videos/magazines/ articles/books that are meant for children explaining periods or changing bodies to your son. Once such great resource is this puberty guide from Menstrupedia.

To Conclude,

Kids these days have the world in their fingers. But in the early years, you are the only source they trust and look up to. Make sure that you use this stage to set the right bases and educate them on important topics like menstruation. It might be uncomfortable at first, but it will be totally worth it. 


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