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ParentingParenting Tips7 Secrets For Raising Creative Kids

7 Secrets For Raising Creative Kids

Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary. – Cecil Beaton

survey of 1,500 CEOs found that creativity is the most in-demand skill in today’s economy. Creativity as a skillset ranks ahead of rigor, management, discipline, integrity, and even vision. 

Here’s why creativity is such a critical skill set for success. 

Creativity helps us adapt and face the unpredictable future. Creative solutions and coping strategies make the world a better place.

How many times have you imagined that one day your child will grow up with a creative mindset and do something out of the box? 

Don’t stop at just wishing. Make this dream a reality. Here are 5 tips for raising creative kids. 

1. Make sure you don’t overburden your child with rules

Your child’s creativity may be stifled if you have too many rules, even if you don’t realize it. Though it is important to have rules to help children understand that their actions have consequences, don’t be too rigid because something is a “rule”. Don’t be too rigid because you created the rule and you feel that not following the rule is akin to disrespecting you. Shed your ego. Make room for flexibility. Identify what flexibility can be allowed within the framework of rules. 

For instance, because you don’t want your child coming back from the playground with dirty clothes, you stop them from going out to play football with other children. But in fact, playing a sport has tremendous impact on character building. Your child might even become football player someday.

The more constraints you impose on your child, the more likely he will learn to think only within those confines. Remember that when you allow your child to be creative, you encourage him to take risks. This is why it is important to define the flexibility allowed and set acceptable boundaries. If your child comes with dirty clothes, ensure that they understand their responsibility to change the clothes and put them in the laundry basket separately; and that they cannot make the room dirty. 

2. Do not over-involve your child

Popular parental culture significantly focuses on extracurricular activities for a child’s development. Yes, extracurricular activities can help develop skillsets, social skills, soft skills like negotiation, conflict resolution, and teamwork and keep them engaged. 

But don’t over-schedule your child’s day to keep them occupied continually. Make room for boredom. Boredom stimulates introspection and inspires fresh perspectives. So, sometimes leave them to their boredom.

Encourage them to have fun on their own. If it is raining outside, let them go out and explore nature. Don’t worry about clothes getting wet or dirty. If you have got them a canvas, allow them to experiment with colors and textures. Don’t rush to instruct them to ensure that the final artwork is brilliant.   

3. Teach them to accept arguments

Adam Grant, a Wharton professor and thought leader, mentioned “disagreement is the antidote to groupthink” in his book, Original Thinkers. He also said, “We’re at our most imaginative when we’re out of sync. There’s no better time than childhood to learn how to dish it out and take it. “

Working out one’s mental muscles is one of the best ways to develop grit, perseverance, and the ability to take feedback. When we disagree, we learn more about ourselves and the world around us. There’s no true urge to create without that conflict.

As part of raising creative kids, teach your child to accept arguments gracefully, as it will allow them to think creatively.

4. Don’t help easily  

Have you ever wondered what happens when you simply answer a question for your child? 

You kill the possibility of other answers. 

Whenever your child finds some question or situation challenging and asks you for a solution, don’t immediately give them the solution. Instead, ask them what they think about the problem and what might be the possible solution or how they think they should approach to solve the problem. Hear out their answers, their ideas, and their thoughts. Be patient and relaxed during this conversation. 

Don’t reject any idea just because it doesn’t fall into the standard thinking bracket. Compliment their ideas, especially the ones which are unique and out of the box.

Remember, in raising creative kids, your role as a parent is not to spoon-feed your child but to provide them the space to think and act creatively without the fear of being judged. Also, you can help them with some guidance if needed to help them think better. 

5. Let them be your guide  

Imagine a situation where you have an amazing idea but no one is asking you or giving you an opportunity to share it. How would you feel?

You will obviously feel bad and demotivated, and over time, you will stop coming up with new ideas altogether because you think your ideas have no value. 

Don’t let this happen with your child. Encourage them to share their ideas. Being parents, you might want to guide them impulsively or correct them immediately. Avoid this if you are raising creative kids. Try to engage in activities with them and allow them to guide you or set rules for the activity. Be their students rather than teachers. 

Listen to what they want you to do. Don’t say no or stop the activity. This will allow you a sneak peek at your child’s thought process. It will also tell your child that you respect their imagination and support their creative thinking. 

6. Let them be curious and creative  

A scratch in the wall, you call painter; a tap leaking, you call plumber; a plant dying, you call in for a gardener. When you do so, you are simply focused on getting the issue fixed at the earliest. And in the process, you lose the opportunity to talk to your child about the problem and hear their questions and ideas to solve it. 

So, next time you have a household problem, engage your child. Ask your child what they can do about the scratch in the wall. Hear out their ideas and let them show it to you. If they want to paint the wall, let them do it or if they want to put stickers and decorate it, allow them to do so.

Monotony can kill creativity and lead to dullness. Try to incorporate newness in everyday activities to encourage your child to be curious. For example, while going for a walk, take a new route and explore it; while on grocery shopping, buy seasonal fruits and vegetables to bring in newness; while celebrating special occasions, plan them differently every time. This will help your child see being curious and thinking outside the box as a way of life. 

7. Never stop being creative

Our thought process is what defines us. Help your child overcome self-doubt. Teach your child to stop negative self-talk. Teach your child not to bother about what others will think. Teach your child how to deal with judgmental people and bullies.

Teach your child never to cut the wings of their imagination and creativity.  

If your child loves to experiment with things, turn them into something unique, has his own unique hobbies, love to go out and have fun, is interested in exploring new places, etc., encourage them to continue as this uniqueness makes them who they are. 

Also, encourage them to embrace failures. When a child experiments, it’s natural that some will succeed and some fail. There will be setbacks. This may lead to your child feeling dejected, which might lead them to limit creativity. When they fail, teach them to introspect and think about what they could do differently the next time. Teach them to never stop trying, never stop exploring, and having fun experimenting. 

Conclusion: Raising creative kids

Creativity is not a choice but a necessity. Creativity might be difficult to cultivate, but lack of it suffocates. In today’s fast-changing world, being able to think creatively has become a necessity for our sustenance and success. Helping children develop a creative mindset will prepare them better for future. 


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