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Self CareWell-beingDon't Give Up on Your Dreams

Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams

Women become the epitome of sacrifices throughout her life, more prominently after marriage and motherhood. It starts with giving up her identity, gradually her dreams, and finally surrendering everything to all the responsibilities. This happens both willingly and unwillingly. There are moms and wives whose entire universe lies in their home itself. Though some of them dream beyond the four walls, they suppress their desires for kids. The journey from ‘me’ to ‘we’ has its own pleasures and challenges but don’t forget that mothers are naturally equipped with all the managerial skills and are great at multitasking. Don’t give up on your dreams. 

Here are some of the ‘WHYs’ that might force you to take a break, redesign your life again, and give your dreams one more shot.

1. For yourself.

Just like you love receiving compliments for being the best mom or wife, you need to be complimented for who you are actually. Self-identity is crucial for character strengthening. ‘You can’t pour from an empty cup,’ and therefore, you can never make others happy if you aren’t happy yourself. In worst cases, it takes a serious toll on mental health. According to National Childbirth Trust, in the UK, motherhood brings in mental health problems, both before and after birth. So, do pamper yourself with ‘me time’ or other things that you love.

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2. For your little humans.

You might not even realize, but your kids idolize you. Be a role model for them. It will imbibe the importance of dreams and the zeal one must have to accomplish them. Instead of teaching them, show them. Kids learn to be responsible, independent and understand the value of being financially secure when they see their moms like that.

3. Your ‘one day’ will never come.

Thinking that your career and dreams can take a back seat until kids grow up? Mind you; your kids will never be grown-ups for you. There will be setbacks initially but try reshuffling your priorities. There will be days when your kids will need you and other days when your work. With time, you’ll become dexterous and will enjoy the best of both worlds.

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4. It is doable.

Jacinda Arden, New Zealand Prime Minister made history when she brought her three-month-old daughter to the United Nations general assembly meeting. The fear of failing as a perfect parent is what stops mothers from going ahead with their dreams. Realize that you can be family-oriented and still do great at work. It’s all about balance. It’s all about planning better. You are never alone. This is also the testing time for your partner, family, and friends. Don’t shy away from seeking their help.

5. Let go of the guilt.

Your child would never want to be the reason for your unfulfilled dreams. So, get over the guilt of going for your dreams while managing your house and kid. Let go of all the ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’. You will remain your kid’s best mom.

It’s great to devote yourself to family but remember that you too belong to that family. You and your dreams, too, deserve equal ground to thrive.


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