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ParentingParenting TipsParenting Tips For Working Mothers

Parenting Tips For Working Mothers

Being a working mom is like having two full-time jobs where you can’t really overlook the other one. Often, you have to choose between the two to ensure that both jobs run smoothly. Things can go haywire if you are not able to balance the two. There are times when your kids are sick and need you around, but your rigid work commitments won’t let you do so. The thing here is that you aren’t the only working mom facing this issue. But you must be wondering how some working mothers are managing both like it’s a piece of cake for them. Yes, such moms also exist, and they were not born with such exceptional talents and acquired through the years, and trust me, so can you. Here are those little secret formulas – parenting tips for working mothers – that will help you lower your stress as a working mother.  

1. Stop Feeling Guilty

How can we not address the number one issue of working moms! Hands down, this is something that all working moms have in common. But let’s try to understand where this guilt is coming from so that you can tackle it forever. 

Mostly it’s the desire to be the perfect mom who is always there for the child, society’s expectation of an ideal mother whose sole responsibility is to raise a child, and sometimes it’s the children who might make you feel that you aren’t there when they need you like other moms. Hang in there! Here are a couple of parenting tips for working mothers. First, stop trying to look for perfectionism in everything. Secondly, you should keep the societal pressure aside because that’s the best way to deal with it. Now let’s talk about you and your children. 

Most often, your parental guilt because you are not devoting enough time to your child, missing out on your child’s special moments, worried about who will look after the child when you are out, and all these things. But what if I give you the solutions to all the above concerns? Yes, it is possible and other moms who you look at and wonder how do they do it, are probably the ones who have mastered these little things. So, let’s see what you need to do to let go of that guilt and be an awesome parent while you have a 9-5 on your plate. 

Recommended reading: How I Maintain Work-life Balance as a Dentist Mom

2. Discipline and Time Management

It’s 7 am, you are supposed to leave for your office by 8.30 am, and guess what? You are trying to figure out what should go in the lunch boxes today. Now, if you find this situation familiar, then maybe you should be questioning your time management skills and not your parenting ability. 

Even multitasking requires proper planning and execution to have the desired result. That’s when planning your day or rather a week becomes important. You can easily get your hands on our weekly meal planners designed as per your needs to make your job super easy. This way, you can for the next day or even an entire week about the meals, grocery list, etc., and save yourself from last-minute hassles.  

Decision fatigue is a real thing, and these little parenting tips for working mothers can help you manage your life by streamlining tasks beforehand. 

3. Don’t Mix Personal and Professional Life

In order to stop juggling work and home, you need to define boundaries for those two things. Dedicate your energy and effort to one thing at a time. If you complete your work in the office itself, you won’t have to bring the pending work at home, and the same goes for your home as well. Alternatively, try practicing work-life integration if your nature of work does not allow you to draw a boundary between office hours and personal time.

Try to restrict your work calls and meetings and keep both things away from each other. Of course, you cannot and shouldn’t be rigid about this. There are emergencies when you might have to overlook the other, which is fine. But during the normal days, keep your two lives separate so that they don’t let the other suffer.  

4. Reserve Weekends For Kids

You can’t do anything about the weekdays, but what about the weekends? Those are the days when you can plan meaningful and engaging activities with kids. The quality time spent during weekends can compensate for the quantity of time during weekdays if you plan them properly and make most of it. Plan a small picnic, a small tip, family dinner to any place or at home, a movie, invite your kid’s friends, get to know them, etc. If you really plan to make the most out of your weekend, the options are endless.

Try to cut down or limit other things like social media that act as a barrier to stop spending quality time with your kids. 

5. Delegate Work To Children

You might love being called a super mother, but you are a human first with a limited capacity. So don’t try to do it all by yourself when others in the family can easily share some work. Free yourself from the ‘I need to do it all’ attitude.

Children themselves (or some other member if the kids are too small) can manage everyday activities like packing your bags for school. Talk to them that you are doing your best to wind up your office work so that when you are back, your child is going to get undivided attention. And that will only happen if they too complete their work by themselves so that you too can spend time together. Not only will this help you share the work, but it will make kids responsible and independent as well. 

Eventually, this will make you feel relaxed and spare time for other things. Still, if you have second thoughts, just cross-check if they have done it correctly but start delegating and distributing your work. 

6. Get Your Better Half Involved

There’s a reason why spouses are called better half. Your office calendar and child’s academic calendar are bound to clash, and such a situation might tear you up. That’s when dividing work with your spouse becomes important. Be it taking charge of all the due dates of bills, grocery supplies, certain household chores, meal preparation when running late, attending your kid’s school functions, etc., your partner can always lend you a helping hand.

These should be flexible as they too will have work commitments, but at least start involving them. This way, you will be relaxed that the child has either of the parents and does not feel left out. 

7. Outsource Your Work

Consider this as an extension of work delegation. Mothers are usually wired to believe that if something is to be done correctly, then it must be done by them. Well, it’s time to burst that bubble. 

You need to assign certain works to others who are equally good or better with it than you. This will leave you with the extra time to devote to yourself and your kids. 

For instance, if you feel that kids need your help in studies, but you are not consistent as you are usually tired after work, then get them a tutor. Similarly, take laundry subscriptions on a weekly or fortnightly basis, depending on the need and requirements. Getting a maid to help you with household chores is also a great idea to shed some load from your shoulders. You can also consider online shopping or grocery subscriptions that help you save time.

In a nutshell, the idea is also to master the skill of trusting others and buying time for your kids in exchange for that. 

8. Learn To Say No More Often

As a working mom, your social circle will naturally expand, and so will your commitments with your colleagues, both within and outside the work space. This could include getting together with colleagues after work or at weekends. 

Yes, those fancy parties are important, but not all of them and not every other time, if you wish to seize every possible minute for your children. This is also relevant for functions by an extended family that can go down on your priority list if you wish to spend more time at home with kids.

Filter out what is important and learn to turn certain things down respectfully. You cannot change your office duration, but you can certainly manage other things. The logic is pretty straightforward – the more you say no to what’s not important, the more yes you will say to spend time around with your kids.

9. Be Friends With Other Working Moms

Someone sailing in the same boat will understand your situation better than anyone else. Being friends with colleagues who are mothers or, say being friends with mothers of your child’s friends can often help you.

Whether giving you their secret time management tips, sharing their best parenting tips for working mothers, helping you babysit your child during spontaneous circumstances, or picking your child from school, classes, etc., they will happily have your back whenever required. 

In short, you will have an extended family of mothers. Most often, this helps mothers stay calm and relaxed and overcome their mom’s guilt to a greater extent as they know their kids are in the hands of mothers only. This may not be a direct parenting advice, but again this will ensure that the kids are around another mother, which is again a win-win for you.

10. Prioritize Self-Care Too

No matter how hard you try to give your best, if you don’t take out time for yourself, you will experience burnout. Give yourself that break you deserve and do things that you love. 

No, self-care is not being selfish. Self-care is not an indulgence. In fact, this will make you feel more pumped up and make you more productive. The next time when you feel like skipping your ‘me time’, remember that you cannot pour anything from an empty cup. So cut the guilt and boost your physical, mental, and emotional wellness from time to time. 

Recommended reading: Self Care Ideas For Working Mothers

To all the working moms out there, you are already doing your best. The definition of work-life balance varies for every mother, and it’s okay if you are yet to find yours. You are on the right track, and your kid will be proud to see a mom who is working day in and day out to ensure that everyone is happy. Give a pat on your back because your kids won’t have to look for an ideal role model when they already have you. Eventually, what matters is that you are raising a child with mindful parenting who understands what it is to be professional and still be present for the family when they need you.

So, you see, your concerns about how you will be able to give value to your child are also sorted. There will be moments of mutual highs and lows, and in case of such dilemmas in the future, these parenting tips for working mothers will always be there for your rescue. 


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